Friday, May 16, 2014

Rumpelstiltskin Operetta 2011 --- St. Anne's Hall, Assumption Iloilo, February 2011

Every year, the Faculty and Staff Club of Assumption Iloilo sponsors a year-end concert or show at the St. Anne's Hall. Usually, this is staged in the last week of February after the Integration Days.
In 2011, the Faculty and Staff Club, together with the school administration, decided to stage 'Rumpelstiltskin', an operetta which was also staged at the St. Anne's Hall in the 1990s.
Rumpelstiltskin is the protagonist of a fairy tale that originated in Germany. The tale was collected by the Brothers Grimm in the 1812 edition of  'Children and Household Tales'. 
Basically, Rumpelstiltskin is a story about a man who lies that his daughter can turn straw into gold to make himself seem important to the king. Eventually, through the help of an imp-like creature, she is able to successfully turn the straw into gold.
Rumpelstiltskin 2011 was directed by Mrs. Beth Espinosa. Mrs. April Gustilo-Ga took care of the music while Mrs. Nila Claravall-Gonzalez of the Claravall-Gonzalez School of Classical Ballet did the choreography.
The operetta had three runs - two runs for Assumption Iloilo students and personnel and one for Assumption Iloilo friends, parents, alumni and outsiders. 

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